Now we’ll talk a lot about Ukraine. Writing about Ukraine is very difficult as it’s my Motherland and perceiving it objectively is not the easiest thing. But we all know that the more you travel, the better you learn your own country, and I was not an exception. Though I could never do without my objective counsellor Xavier.
While searching for ideas, we had a look at the lists that already exist – 5/10/25 reasons to visit Ukraine. The majority of the results was the same good old “hospitality”, “food” and for some reason “vodka” and “women”. The last point evokes a wave of indignation, but let’s not get me started. Nevertheless there are some points that despite their banality, are very fair. So let us present you our list of reasons to visit Ukraine.
1. Stunning Nature
Yes, it’s not a surprise, but we shouldn’t forget that Ukraine remains despite any military conflicts the biggest European country, and it would be strange if the sceneries were boring. Carpathian mountains, Black and Azonv sea, the steppes, the forests and even a small desert – we have everything. Another point is that not of all of these places are easily accessible in terms of transport, but that makes the adventure even more attractive, doesn’t it?

Winter Sea in Odessa

Carpathian Mountains
2. Ukraine is not spoiled by tourism
Ukraine isn’t a number one destination for the mass tourisme and it is a fact. Therefore, you will not feel like one of a million Disneyland visitors where everything up to the last tree leaf is orientated for tourism. There are no restaurant that offer multi-language menu with not a single local, in the city centres our inhabitants walk, work, meet, so no risk to jump into crowds of tourists wearing socks and sandals, no risk to be robbed or tricked (at least no more than anywhere else). A foreigner taking a selfie will evoke more positive feelings than irritated eyes-rolling. Here a foreigner doesn’t mean “easy money”.

Kyiv tramway
3. Authenticity
This point is the natural suite of the previous one: we don’t adjust everything we have for tourists. I mean that if someone is wearing the national clothing, it’s because it’s just the way of local life. There is a historical reason, which makes Ukrainians patriotic and love their own culture no matter what. Globalization didn’t have enough time to wash our traditions and our way of living off, so here the traveller can find what they are searching for.

4. Food
And it’s not even national cuisine that matters, as, frankly speaking, it’s has nothing sophisticated our exotic in term of ingredients, and, to be completely honest, it’s far from being healthy. Of course all our varenikis and borsch are crazily delicious but what I talk about is the quality of products. Everything produced in Ukraine is very tasty. Did you know that Ukraine has the the most fertile soil in the world? Combine the rich soil and the heating sun and here we get amazingly juicy fruits and vegetables. Believe me, a tomato from Ukraine and those blister tomatos from Netherlands have nothing in common. And all this is very budget friendly. When we buy strawberries, it will mean kilogramms of them, not just a small box with five pale poor souls. Come here in summer and see yourself!

Fruit market in Kyiv
5. Four seasons (my personal favorite)
What is great about Ukraine is that it has the continental climate. Whereas European winters are wet and grey, in Ukraine we have a true fairy-tale, even in the cities, which makes it all magical. Winter looks like winter, spring feels like spring, summer feels sometimes like hell and autumn is accompanied with golden leaves and delicious coffee. Which means that whenever you come to Ukraine, it looks different and it makes a whole lot of a difference.

6. Affordable culture
Ukraine is not an expensive country, but what makes me really happy and proud is the fact that theatre ticket, evening in the opera or ballet is affordable for everyone, whereas in the majority of countries it remains as something “luxury”.

Odessa Opera Theatre

Book-seller in Kyiv
7. Interesting cities
Stalin empire? Post-war blocks of flats? Pre-revolutionary manors? Those Orthodox Churches? Castles lost in nature? We have everything, and most often in a brave mix, so nobody will be disappointed especially if you love Soviet architecture.

Lviv, Stryiskyi Park

Lviv, the view from the Town Hall

Khreschatyk, main Kyiv street
Did we forget some important reason to visit Ukraine? Remind us in the comments ! :)
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Amazing post… After reading your post I added Ukraine in my bucket-list… really enjoyed this post.
Thank you! It’s very underestimated destination indeed!
What an excellent and detailed article about Ukraine! Absolutely true to life ! Thank you very much for the effort and enthusiasm in creating this write up!
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