February 2022

So, this trip will once and forever be associated with our previous life, or rather pre-war life. The politic pressure was already quite horrible and half of this trip we spent scrolling and then blankly staring in the horizon but still, we had no idea how monstrous it would turn just several days later. I think that this winter blue trip to Arcachon will always smell with what happened on February, 24. At the same time, it will always seem happy and beautiful, because these were the last days of our carefree life.



In our Routard guide in the list of top things to do in every region of France, was the point “to stroll in the winter streets of Arcachon”. I used to wonder under which circumstances we could get to Arcachon in winter, but the rule is never to underestimate life – and here we are, all because of the business trips to Bordeaux that Xavier has to take every month.

I knew that Arcachon is a very “bourgeois” place and indeed, it 100% corresponds to how I imagined this town – gorgeous manors with so many beautiful details and colours, that walking down just one street could take forever. Fancy people with expensive scarves and sunglasses from renowned brands. Crazy prices for eating out. We enjoyed all of it!

As usual, we planned too much for only one weekend, so instead of a bicycle tour around Bassin d’Arcachon, we took a shortcut and let Robbie (our gorgeous van) save us some time. It was partly a decision due to this eternal dilemma of being either well or comfortably dressed when cycling. Still, we chose to merge with local population and put aside our yellow bicycle vests for the next day.

Around Bassin d’Arcachon : Arès

Even if we skipped half of our bicycle itinerary, it was for the better, otherwise we would never have had enough time to make a stop everywhere we wanted. Even by reducing our plan from 70 to 40 kilometers, we hardly managed to return to Robbie before the dark (and cold) fell. Less is more – a great rule applicable to travels as much as to anything else.

We started with a short breakfast in Arès, which was already a perfect promise of the oysters we would devour later in the day. After a year and a half in Normandie it felt a bit like cheating, but hey, oysters is France’s national pride and one of the reasons we could never become vegan.


We parked Robbie in Claoey and then took our bicycles out and hit the road until Cap Ferret. It was somehow a very solemn moment, because it’s one of the incredibly famous spots on the coast, so we were both happy to finally getting there together. Another point to cross out from the best things to see in Nouvelle-Aquitaine !

On the way to Cap Ferret we stopped a zillion times to take pictures of the cute villages and eat oysters, it was too perfect. A very French day. Très français indeed.

What else to add, even under pressure it felt good to be on the coast, during the low season, with cold winter sun shinning through the yellow braches of mimosa. I couldn’t help but wonder, again and again, how different France could be even within the same region, because Bassin d’Arcachon has not so much in common with its closest neighbor Landes. We were very happy.

Cap Ferret

Mind it, visiting Bassin d’Arcachon is hardly possible without going to the famous Dune de Pilat, which we were very lucky to see five years ago. Even though from Cap Ferret we could still see its contours and you might too if you look closer on the picture above. The trip was short but full of beauty followed by a chilly day in Bordeaux. I might share some winter photos from there too, but in the meantime why not coming back to the early days of our blogging if you are not scared to die from cringe? 🍷