To be honest, the only impressions we heard about Manchester could be resumed in “nothing much too see” and “just another industrial city” or “like Liverpool, but worse”. Still, we couldn’t miss visiting Manchester to make our own opinion.
As it often (always) happens, low expectations bring positive results, because we sincerely liked Manchester. And exactly because of its magnificent industrial architecture. Whatever one can say, it is gorgeous. Even in dilapidated condition a touch of nature breaking the red bricks makes it all much better. Plus, Manchester looks so animated and full of spirit, that I can’t see how one can’t like it.
So what did we love Manchester for?
Stunning industrial past of Manchester
Some of the old factories turned into residential buildings, museums or shops, but some of them stay in exactly the same condition as many years ago.
The same concerns hidden backyards and streets – they look extremely photogenic.

Chinatown and Gay Village
City made of different cities – isn’t it mesmerizing? Colorful and bright, but still organically combined with authentic Manchester look.
Amsterdam? No, still Manchester :)
Modern town
Recent constructions are no less spectacular than the more ancient architecture of the city. Anyway Manchester looked animated, young and very lively.

John Rylands Library
Paradise for the bookworms and not only. The entry is free, but impossible to leave their gift shop without a book souvenir.
Museum of Science and Industry
No need to be fascinated by engines, technology and science to be amazed by enormous machines used for the factories during the industrial revolution, as well as evolution of airplanes. A photogenic place for sure.
We spent two days in Manchester, stayed with Airbnb in a used-to-be factory, enjoyed some Thai food and endless walking possibilities. The only regret is that we missed the chance to go dancing, but we stay in the North for couple of months more, so…
Ahh your photos are always impressive! Seriously loving the composition in these!
Very kind of you :)