May 2019
It’s time to man up and get down to a huge collection of articles that are hopelessly overdue. Thousands of memories from 2019 are being covered with dust and I told myself I could procrastinate no longer. Especially now, when this blog is no longer the blog it used to be, but simply a digital photobook. Why wait?
So, while we were living in Cherbourg, Normandy, we spent every weekend exploring around. Once we finished Cotentin peninsula, it was time to expand and reach Brittany, even if it meant much longer drives. Côte de la Granit Rose was our first destination.
Côte de la Granit Rose is a commune in Côte d’Armor department of Brittany and we came here for a very precise list of things: crêpes, cider (as if we didn’t have enough of it in Normandy), menhirs and huge pink granit stones that are the reason of the name of this area. And as always, we were not disappointed.

As I am editing this article in december 2021 (more than two years later!) I can’t stop wondering what the hell was going on with our style. I mean we were supposed to be bloggers, taking pictures in fancy sweaters and hats, is that the reason why our blog was never a success? Anyway, I will hide my orange trainers under a B&W filter.

Ile Grande – a huge bird park, which takes care of thousands of seabirds living on the coasts of Brittany

First but not last dolmen tunnel on our way

Trégastel Plage
And just like that after a day of rain and gloom, we were granted with a tender spring sun that suited perfectly to the blue waters of the sea and those huge pink cliffs. It looked surreal and very cinematic, and we felt so small and tiny close to these toys of nature.

Looking at these pictures I think how the marketing campains would compare them to Polinesia or Maldives, but honestly, why people love so much these comparisons? I mean, I know why, but are they still necessary? Brittany definitely doesn’t need it – it’s unique and beautiful.

They say you enter one church and you’ve seen them all but this is not applicable to Brittany. It has thousands of saints, which are respected to a certain extent until today, and every church is a little architectural masterpiece. Like this one.

Finally, the sunset. It meant we could follow the Sentier des Douaniers – a highlight of the whole trip. With the warm sunlight of the end of the day, the granit really takes the pink color so the name Granit Rose is once and for all justified. That was an incredibly beautiful walk, when we couldn’t decide whether we should direct our attention to the beauty we see around or take as many pictures as possible. We managed to do both and I am very happy.

Why nature is so beautiful? The shadows on the trees, the colors of the sea, the texture of plants – all these things fill our hearts with joy to belong to this world and to have our own little place here, despite everything happening with climate, politics and other completely meaningless in the long term stuff.

Often we wonder – so people do live here. They do wake up every day to see this. This is their everyday life. This sunset seems to them perfectly normal. They’ve walked this path countless amount of times. It isn’t something extraordinary in their eyes. And then I think about our life wherever and no, it didn’t feel normal, it felt astonishing every single day.

I don’t have enough of synonyms to express how peaceful and refreshing it can be – just sitting on the cliffs, watching the waves crashing below, watching the grass bend under the wind, seeing the birds plan in the sky, indifferent to the weather conditions that affect humans so much. There are no words and everything was said hundreds of times even within this small piece of internet that belongs to us. This house, though…

As food guarantees 50% of the joy of any trip, we never limit ourselves on gastronomic delights. Luckily, Brittany has loads of that, even if consuming crêpes would be more than enough to satisfy our insatiable appetite. This time we discovered seaweed, buckwheat and local honey ice cream – god, that was delicious.

Brittany was the first region of France that we visited with Xavier years ago when our relationship had just started. So it always occupies a special place in our hearts, and coming back here all these years later was incredibly cozy.

Tréguier was a last stop of this trip and I remember how exhausted and tired we were after the huge portion of beauty and emotions we received over that weekend. Three hours drive awaited us and a whole summer (and a bit of autumn) to see more of Brittany under each possible weather and every possible light. So we will be back very soon with more of it. (In the next several years I hope 😅)

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