Train travelling remains the most authentic, scenic and romantic way of exploring the world. Personally, I can’t help thinking of Jules Verne’s “Around the World in 80 Days”. Even if nowadays the cost of travelling by train is quite disappointing, there is still a budget way to have a great train trip.
Of course, we are talking about the EuRail or InterRail passes. These are special train passes that once paid allow travelling by any train at any time in Europe. The official website provides the most up-to-date information, and we would like to suggest you an alternative itinerary for a 10 days journey, considering that 5 days are spent in the train whereas the other five – exploring a certain place in one of five countries.

Step 1: Denmark
Denmark wasn’t our starting point by chance. Our ferry from Iceland arrived in Danish town Hirtshals, and there we took the train to South. Several hours in the train and ferry, and here we are – the tiny Danish island Orø. A perfect day of peace and tranquillity.
Step 2: Germany
Travelling in Germany by train is a paradise; Deutsche Bahn confirms its excellent reputation. If only there were some double beds for such long days… A day “on the land” you can spend hiking in Black Forest…
Step 3: Switzerland
Every traveler knows about famous Swiss rail routes that are particularly scenic due to the Alps, lakes, villages and amazing bridges. And we are glad to tell you that yes, they are stunning. What we liked the most during the trip through Switzerland is observing the progressive changes of the sceneries, weather, architecture of the towns and, of course, the main language. Why not spending your “day off” in Zürich?
Step 4: Italy
Italy is always a good idea, though Trenitalia has still a lot to improve. We treated ourselves to a gorgeous day in sunny Genoa, stuffing ourselves with everything Italy had to offer. Genoa is definitely a place that needs to be explored more.
Step 5: France
Being back home started in a very French way – with the strikes of railway employees lol. That’s the reason we needed a whole day to come from Genoa to Marseille, and it was quite an exhausting one, I must say. A lazy day in Marseille is a pure necessity!
And back to Toulouse. From North to South, from rain to sun, October can be so different even in our small Europe.
Which was your most memorable train journey? Please, share with us!
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