Days in Iceland

How many days on and off the road ?

Weather in iceland

How much rainy and windy day did we face ?


Where did we sleep ?

Cycling speed

How fast were we cycling ?


How many cycling “colleagues” did we meet ?


Chocolate bars

How many chocolate bars did we eat ?



How many times did we fish in the sea ?


Gas consumption

How many gas cartridges (500g) did we use ?


Total distance

How many total kilometers did we cycle ?

2190 km

Distance between shops

What is the average distance between food shops ?

~80 km

Daily cost

What was the average daily cost ?

7500 ISK

Weight loss

How many kilos did we loose ?

4 kg each !

Seen along the road

How many of these Iceland’s specificities have we seen ?

Swimming pools

How many swimming pools and hot springs have we visited ?

10 swimming & 2 hot springs