January 2020
This is the first post we publish after almost a year of a stand-by mode. We took this time to live through an artistic crisis and rethink in which direction we want to move with our blog and photography in general. It wasn’t easy. When something has been dear for you several years in a row and has been occupying so much of your thoughts and time, watching it slowly dying was tough. Until all our confused thoughts settled down and we reached a decision that a classic travel blog will exist no more. Only photos, only creative experiments (within the limits of our abilities) and only striving to capture the aesthetics the world is filled with.

Views from the windows

drive with extreme caution
Almost frozen

Surviving another winter

When summit is not enough

A coffee-break point for heating oneself up before tackling the slope.

A typical Ukrainian scarf with traditional motives… surprisingly made in Japan. Mystery.

Film photo Kodak Color 200

This Christmas break could be special only with a right company. Dramatic Ukrainian Christmas dinner consisting of 12 meals must be shared. Yes, just like the happiness.

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